Tuesday, December 31, 2013



My closest lifetime friend, my confidant, my brother is gone.  In the blink of an eye, he went on an adventure without me. 

Our youth was spent in adventure.  Running up and down the Fountain River, braving floodwaters, exploring our world, and in general getting into everything a parent prays their children will never get into.  When we became teens, we started a new set of adventures.  We were still adventurous, but now we had driver’s licenses.  We promised we would never tell anyone else.  As far as the really bad stuff, I am never telling.  But I lied when I said I would never tell everything.  I have some things to say today that I believe John would allow me to say.

First, he was the best brother a girl could have.  I loved him dearly.  If he could, he would now interrupt with “EWWW.”   I now have the upper hand because he can’t say anything.  I love you, John.  With all my heart, I always have. 
Second, he was my friend, loyal to the end.  I know he was that to many others. I think he would agree to that, since he stuck by me through all my foolishness and never offered anything but words of encouragement, with the exception of “Naw, Really?  You are going to get Mot Sot. ” (His term for “THE PUNISHMENT)

But lastly, how do you put into words, how deep a friendship is with a brother your own age, who thought like you did, who would do whatever you suggested (with the exception of eating frog legs?). Who else would I have hidden in the hay barn with, or run up and down the Fountain River, building forts, chasing imaginary bad guys, and trying to see if we could fly with sheets off the roof of the barn?  Who else would stand up to our Dad when he was being abusive, and end the fight?  Here is the place where I began to understand his role in my life.

I woke the other morning, with that still small voice of God in my ear.  “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.  .. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God..”  I went to my Bible to read the words of Jesus, and in it, I found this. I am mourning the loss of my dearest friend, lifetime companion, and brother, and the only one who can comfort me is the Lord.  I am blessed. 
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.   How many times did this boy, this youth, this man, stand up for me to defend me, or to calm me?  He was a peacemaker in the home of our youth, and his quiet demeanor calmed me during times of trials.    

John was to us the friend, the confidant, the husband, the companion. But he was so much more.  He was the peacemaker.  He was blessed. 

 Yes, he has left us for a brief time, embarking on another adventure.  My hope is that someday I will see him again, and together we can run the hills of heaven.  
Listen to the song, it was his favorite when we were growing up.. He loved Satchmo!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I just saw Christmas... 
I was at the grocery store this Christmas eve, along with a million other shoppers.  The store clerk in my “less than 10” line looked a bit stressed.  He usually does.  I know from things that I have overheard that life is a bit hard for his family.  
The gentleman in front of me lined up his purchases, nothing exorbitant, just some cheese and crackers, some breakfast cereal, some milk.  He also asked the clerk for a $40.00 visa card, the kind you buy and have the store fill.  When he was done paying, and had his bags in hand, he handed the Visa card to the clerk, and said, “That is for you. Merry Christmas!” 
The poor clerk’s mouth dropped open, and then a smile appeared, ear to ear, and he reached across the checkout to hug the man. 
Christmas is everywhere.  Not in the trees, or the lights, or the songs.   I see it throughout the year, in the smiles given to strangers, or a kind word spoken.
 I see it in the sacrifice of soldiers fighting for freedom for others, sometimes not even their own countrymen.
 I see it in the committed work of government workers who work long hard hours, receive little compensation but a lot of criticism, and yet continue to work for the poor, because they believe in what they do.
I see it in neighbors who step up to help when someone is in need, even if it is just to baby sit for someone. 
I see it in the nurses and doctors, who work those long hard hours, and receive little in the way of appreciation. 
Yes, Christmas is everywhere, all year long, from January 1 to December 31.  Alive and well in the hearts of men, who remember that baby in the manger, who left his glorious home, to come and dwell among us, and give his life so that we might live. 
This Christmas I hope for all of you a glimpse of that beautiful love that is the heart of Christmas. 


The Least of These

My sons and daughters blessed me so much this weekend.   It was Mother’s day, and they did not leave me alone or forgotten during this qu...