Friday, December 3, 2010

365 days, a journey to find joy in every day!

Monday, November 29, 2010.

I am convinced that humans were not meant to sit in little cubbies in front of computers and do meaningless work all day.  That is how I relate to Mondays.  Fruitless sitting, typing, and accomplishing nothing.  And I am not even in Martha Mode today.

There are some things that are enjoyable about this.  Like writing, or playing games, or talking to friends, or connecting with those people who you never thought you would ever see again.  I had that pleasure just a few months back, when I reconnected with people from my high school reunion.

I happened to see one on Facebook.  Yes, the dreaded social network that has multiple flaws and, according to my brother, causes many unknown types of computer problems. For me, it was an adventure.  My brother is not so adventurous.  However, because of the connections we made, I made him go with me on a trip to rediscover my old friends.  He had a blast.  Even if he denies it. 

Seeing people that I haven’t seen in 40 years.  That is what I am thinking about today.  Having your perception of them renewed or changed.  Reconnecting in ways I never thought possible when I was just 16. 

My view of myself at that age was probably the biggest deterrent to developing relationships that would have sustained me through the hard times in life.  Yes, I did have preconceived ideas about what people thought of me, and about what they thought in general.  And yet, at a late stage of the game of life, I was able to be introduced to those wonderful people all over again.  Without any of the child like game playing or posturing.

Tonight I had a wonderful time with Di and Karyl, two people from my past, who I barely knew, but am so glad I had the chance to begin to know again.  We shared a laugh or two over a cute little video of “An Italian President”, which is a comedian’s view of how an Italian from Jersey would handle the entire mid-east crisis.  I couldn’t hear them laughing, but I could feel it.  It is amazing, at my age, to have the chance to build friendships that I hope will last for the rest of my journey here on earth. 
Today my joy is in old friendships renewed, not around a fireplace, but around the glow from my monitor.  Who would have thunk it.
Copyright © 2010 by Susan Linn-Gomez. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool! I'm also working on friendships! Glad you had such a good time on your trip! :)


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