Sunday, November 14, 2010

Finding Joy

Day 3. This is the day that the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it!

That is not just for today.  That is for every day.  Today is Sunday, the Lord's day, and as I step out into the cold of the morning, in my bare feet, coffee in hand, shirt sleeves only, I am reminded of this one thing. Cold, Heat, Rain, Sun, Storms, God made them all.   For a reason.  So I decide that I will embrace the cold, and brave it in bare feet and shirt sleeves.

The sun is rising, thin clouds embracing the colors of the day. As I stand there shivering, I can hear my grandmother's voice saying"Girl! put your shoes and coat on!"  I embrace the memory of her long lost voice and it's chiding tone.

My eyes see color everywhere.  Red, gold, of the new rising sun. Pale blue of the sky, gray of the fading night. My skin prickles against the cold of the breeze.  The scent of a hint of rain wafts in the breeze.  Morning again.  Just as with every day of my life, morning has arrived, and with it the anticipation of a new day, and what it may bring.  I am taken back in time to when I was a child once again.  Those days when I had no wishes, but only anticipation of what the day would bring.

I have no wishes today.  I am blessed with a home, food, clothing, a beautiful sunrise, all my senses are stirred. I am content.  In this, I find a sacred joy, a peace.

But what of those with no home, no food, no clothing, no sight, no senses?  I know they are out there.  And God reminds me of this.  I am His hands and feet.  I am His heart shown to the world today.  And now I have a wish.  Let me find just one, Lord.  Let me be your comfort in his need, let me be your shelter in her homelessness.  Let me be your heart to one who is hurting.  Let that be my joy today.


Apparently, God knows how inept I can be, and so He promptly answered my prayer today.  It seems those things that you look so hard to find are right under your nose. 

I went to pick up my Dad and took him to church this morning.  On the way, he let me know that his room mate at the nursing home was very sad because I had not been in, except briefly, for a couple of days. 

Steven is just my age.  Only 58.  From what I can discern, he has been in the nursing home at least 4 years, and maybe more.  He had been living at home with his mother, but when she died, his sister sent him off to the nursing home.  I have been visiting there nearly every day for the past year, and have never seen her.  In fact, I have only seen one person, at one visit, who ever came to see Steven. 

He was in a hit and run pedestrian accident those long years ago, lost both his legs, then had a stroke.  Although he is very coherent, he can't care for himself. Once the aides get him up and into his scooter, he gets around, but his medical needs are too great for him to live alone.  He is often sad, but cheers himself up by joking about "pulling your leg, cause you can't pull mine."  He has a quick wit, but is so soft spoken that most people don't pay attention to him.  And yes he complains.  Who wouldn't.

But there is something about Steven that is special.  Besides his need.  The first thing he ever said to me was that one day, he was going upstairs with Jesus.  So that makes him my brother. 

Today my bit of joy will be to spread some.  Steven loves to fish.  I am sure it has something to do with the camaraderie of fishermen, which I don't fully understand, but I know that he loves the outdoors, and he likes to laugh.  So I went and bought some outdoor based comedies and He and I will watch them today. 

Sometimes joy costs us.  Money can always be had, but time is a fleeting and once-gone forever-lost thing.  Today I spend my time. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for being His hands and feet. God bless you.


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