Thursday, December 2, 2010
Lunch with the Hens, as my daughter calls them is always a refreshing experience for me. Although we come from different walks of life, and are at different stages of life, somehow we all just click. Positive end to my day.
Friday, December 3, 2010
It is Friday. Need I say more? What more joy could be had than to have the week finished, and finished well?
Saturday December 4, 2010
Busiest day of the week. Time to breathe? No.
Sunday December 5, 2010
My pastor has eyes in the back and sides as well as the front of his head. Or so my friend, Terri and have always thought. We thought that sometimes he must have been spying on us to see if he could find new material. But no, it was the Holy Spirit telling him just what to say. Today he covered Phillipians 4, verse 1. Stand fast. Lord I am standing, but it hurts. Where is my joy? What kind of challenge has this become? Will I be defeated by my own lack of ability to see your hand working in my life?
Monday, some day in December.
Pain. Pain and more pain. I am attempting to finish 2 months worth of work by the 31st. That is the day I retire, and I want to go out on the top of my game. Just in case, I have to come back. But sitting too long in front of a computer is just what the doctor told me NOT to do, and that is what I have been doing. I decided that the blog would have to wait while I temporarily experience a setback. To top it off, when I got home from the nursing home, the dog had eaten my snowman. Not a literal snowman even, but a stuffed one, since here in Southern Arizona the chance of seeing enough snow to make one is slim to none. She dismantled all of his parts, left his fluff and his left arm and the bell on his head, and ate the sleigh.
I called my friend, Rosie, who was just returning from her Chemo treatment. She said she had tried really hard to find joy in the pink fluffy clouds, but was thinking she needed to draw on the joy bank. Sort of like a piggy bank, but full of stored happiness, giggles, and remembrances. I think I need to do the same thing. Wish I could find a big jar to stuff the joy into.
Tuesday, the day after yesterday.
After a long day of work, more sitting, more pain, I left for the nursing home and on my way home, my daughter called. She said the dog was blue. I figured perhaps she was suffering from separation anxiety, since I haven’t been able to take her on regular walks lately, but no, she just ate my favorite pen. How do you get ink out of a dog?
Wednesday, Again. How long can one sit at a computer, really? Has there been a marathon event established for this? How many inane phone calls can a human being tolerate? How many crashes of Excel and Word documents? How do people do this all their lives? I find myself bankrupt of joy today, or at least of happiness.
Until my daughter sends me an email. Her job was ending in January, and she had to apply for her own job (sounds like a government conspiracy to me) but then they told her about an administrative job. Today she found out that she has the job! Relief. We are going to make it. God provided for her mightily!
Too much pain to work all day. I punched out at noon after finishing two days of work in one half of a day. Then I slept. But I dreamed those dreams of discontent. The ones that leave you wondering if everything is ok when you wake up. I woke up, cooked dinner and slept some more. Then went to see my Dad, who also was having nightmares. What is up with all of this?
Friday. I took the entire day off work, perused the 3 by 5 shed that I will attempt to fit a 5 by 10 sheds worth of stuff in. Threw out a lot of stuff. I finally succumbed to the doctors orders and took a pain pill. Knocked me out. Sorry Joy. I am in Lala land.
More of the same. Couldn’t even make it to a memorial, cause I took a pain pill which is no longer working, but I cant walk or drive. What is UP with this crazy week?
Sunday, December 11, 2010.
Here I am again. I know I know, what happened to daily blogs? Just get over it. I can hear you all now, breathing a prayer of Thanksgiving.
Ok, so discipline is not my forte. Perhaps I should try a little harder, but this week was one of those expletive deleted weeks. The kind where PBRL comes into play. No not the Professional Bull Riders League week, but the Pushing Beyond Reasonable Limits week. Honestly, if I type one more exclamation point proclaiming JOY! PLEASE SHOOT ME. Yes, I know I am being grumpy, grouchy. Today is one of those days, and I have had a string of them.
But then off to church. I dragged my own self there, and I sit, listening to the Christmas Carols, occasionally chiming in. I am miserable this week. What happened to happy Susie? What happened to finding joy in even the mundane? WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED THIS WEEK?
And then it hits me. I LET my joy be taken away by the mundane things of life.
It all seemed so normal, it just sneaked in and took it all away. Or did it? For what can separate me from my Father in Heavens love? Can principalities or powers, or rulers in high places? Can overstuffed sheds, Dad’s nightmares, my pain, or even a blue dog separate me from His love? No.
And that is my joy for the week, the month, the year, for my life. However, this coming week, I am going to take a hint from my old fashioned grandmother, and at least put down the high and low temps for the day. And if I can do that, surely I can find something to rejoice about!
Copyright © 2010 by Susan Linn-Gomez. All Rights Reserved.
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