Monday, December 13, 2010.
All in all, it was a beautiful day. I worked hard on getting all my caseload done, since (counting down) I only have 13 more days of work before I am officially retired. Well, sort of retired, and sort of still working. Let us just say that I will not be doing what I am doing now. Now that is something worth saying! And that is a high.
I really didn’t have any lows. I was on fire, burning up the keyboard, attempting to do something that everyone says is impossible. What to say to impossible? It means a person didn’t really try. So there is where I am at today. Give it the good old college try.
And what if I fail? I will still be retired!! And that is a high.
Plans? Lots of them. Spend more time with my kids and grandkids. Spend more time with my brothers. Spend more time with my friends. Write more, paint more, read more, go to church more. Go back home and hang out by the river before the mosquito season hits.
Plans, Plans, Plans… The Bible says that without a vision the people perish. I guess that means we are supposed to plan as if we are going to do something, work like we are going to achieve something, and leave the rest up to God.
To start off with, this entire retirement thing hit me one day when I realized that in my current position I am doing nothing to benefit anyone. All I am doing is making money. But as far as that benefits anyone, it is not enough to benefit anyone except to keep a roof over my head and clothes on my back. But it is not doing anything for anyone who really needs it. I feel drawn to the homeless, to the sick, to the elderly, to those in need. I feel that I have a calling upon my life to benefit someone else besides myself. Now I just need a plan. I don’t want to be heading out the door to some unknown destination, just hoping that I will find what I am looking for.
Thinking about that, I stopped myself. That is exactly what Abraham did. He heard God’s call on his life, picked up all his stuff, loaded the family in the CAR a VAN… and off he went. Destination Unknown. He didn’t know where, or what. He just knew that God had a plan, and all he had to do was follow the instructions.
There is so much need out there, so many who need comfort, food, shelter, a home and love. Now where to start… Lord, I need an instruction manual (oh I wait I have that..) and a plan (Oh wait, God has that.).. I guess I am armed with all I need. Just days until I set off on my own Car A Van…
Copyright © 2010 by Susan Linn-Gomez. All Rights Reserved.
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