Saturday, November 20, 2010

365 days, a journey to find joy in every day!

A usual Saturday today. Got up, made a list of all I wanted to accomplish today.  Then I thought about all those gift cards I had to Michael's and that canvases were on sale, and then I lost my motivation for all things common.

So off to lunch with old friends, off to Michael's to buy canvases and paint and so many things that I wanted. But as I walked through, I kept telling myself, do I really need that today, since tomorrow is really the sale day?  I loaded my cart up with all the wonderful colors that I had been wanting to buy, then unloaded everything, and went off to Big Lots to see what they had.  And wandered through there, telling myself, I don't need this, I don't need that, I REALLY didn't need another toy for the dog. And again, left with nothing.  ( I am practicing frugality for my retirement days.) 

Then off to Best Buy, where we DID buy a new router, but that only took 10 minutes.  Then off to the nursing home to see Dad and pick up his laundry, then home. I am beat, my leg is killing me, and I never accomplished anything!

So I went outside to sulk about all I will have to do tomorrow to make up for what I didn't do today.  The sun was setting, and the sky was a bright golden-orange streak against a bright blue sky.  Typical, although I did notice how God had shadowed the mountains in the distance in his every day painting.  I let my eyes wander across the colors of the mountain, past the sunset, and that was when I saw the most glorious thing.

Sky, deep blue.  Mountains, purple and pink, colored with gold from the sunset.  Wisps of gray clouds with bright gold and pink highlights.  And a big shadowy moon.  So beautiful it took my breath away. 

I imagine that when Martha was busy, busy, busy, she was like I was today.  List in hand, striking off the things that had to be done and feeling like she hadn't accomplished much that day.  Watching Mary sitting at Jesus feet, she "corrected" the Lord, and told Him he should be telling Mary to help her. 

But Jesus had other things in mind for Martha, which He let her know Mary had already found. That sitting at the feet of the Master is a more perfect work than completing all the lists in the world. 

Tonight I tore up my list, and sat at the feet of the Master. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this blog. It is my favorite so far. I can be so much like Martha and I need to be more like Mary. Yep, need to be at the feet of the master. I am missing out on much joy when I try and stick to those stupid lists. Thanks.....Pamela


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